As I watch the shows that explore day to day politics, I see a number of Republican Strategists and commentators, the talking heads if you will. Some present themselves as independents. While all seem to regurgitate the GOP party line without deviation, there are a few that amaze me every time they appear. I took some time to investigate their backgrounds, just to put their remarks in some perspective.
Amy Holmes Amy Holmes is a CNN political contributor and conservative commentator. She appears regularly on The Situation Room and across all networks, including the network's prime-time line-up in programs such as Larry King Live and Anderson Cooper 360º.
Prior to joining CNN, Holmes served as senior speechwriter to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) from May 2003 to July 2006, writing on topics ranging from economic and energy policy to judicial nominations and the Iraq war. Before that she worked for the CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, which oversees AmeriCorps, and helped build the non-profit Independent Women's Forum (IWF) as economic project director and campus project director. While at IWF, Holmes oversaw and edited the organization's labor statistics guide, "Women's Figures: An Illustrated Guide to the Economics of Women in America."
Holmes, a registered independent, is beconing a familiar face on television news and talk programs. She has guest-hosted ABC's The View and appears regularly on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher. In 2002, she hosted Lead Story on Black Entertainment Television, where she interviewed administration officials, journalists and top newsmakers.
Holmes began her career on television as a Fox News Channel contributor and was later a commentator for MSNBC. She has appeared on PBS's To the Contrary, The Montel Williams Show, NBC Nightly News, CBS Early Morning Show and co-hosted PBS's Millennium 2000 broadcast.
From 1999 to October of 2001, Holmes wrote a monthly guest column for USA Today. She has also been published in The Washington Post and National Review. Her political commentary has been cited in numerous national publications, including Newsweek, Glamour, Mademoiselle, Honey and Harper’s Bazaar. In May 2000, she was named one of PEOPLE magazine's "50 Most Beautiful."
Holmes holds a degree in economics from Princeton University.
In a series of YouTube videos she explaines a little of her background. Amy was born in Africa in the country of Zambia to a Caucasian mother and an African father. Her mother divorced her father when she was 3 years old. After that, she and her mom moved back to Seattle where her mother grew up. Amy was then brought up on Rob Lowe movies, idolized Brooke Shields and now prefers to date only middle aged Jewish men.
Whenever I see Amy on television, I always wonder how could her mind be so mixed up. Frankly, most of the time I don't understand her logic and the arguements she presents. She's a registered independent, so I can't call her a Republican pundit, but her comments closely mirror the GOP party line. Her comments are not far from those of Rush Linbaugh and Glen Beck. She was a former classmate at Princeton with Rupert Murdoch’s son Lachlan. Interesting to note her first job was at Fox News, a Murdoch property. Maybe that's why she defended the infamous racist cartoon in Murdoch's New York Post.
You can't count on the opinion Amy spouts today being the same as the one she presents tomorrow. Don't count on the accurracy of her statements either. You can count on her selling anything that's anti-Barack Obama. She defended Sarah Palin’s intellect in her candidacy for VP but on the other hand questioned Barack Obama’s capacity for the office of the Presidency. Amy supported Sarah’s rally cry of “Barack pals around with terrorists" while saying Barack has a “Moses Complex”, wrongly quoting one of his speeches. She criticized Barack’s speech on race as being boring and chastised him for “outing” his grandmother for her racial biases.
When I see her I shake my head and remind myself that some folks will do anything for a buck. Amy’s attractiveness is clearly a factor in her popularity and she knows what to say to make herself marketable. I just have to remember that I'm listening to Tales from the Darkside.