One of my great passions is my deep seated support of our nation's 44th President, Barack Obama. He takes office after 8 years of George Bush's politics and policies, as the country suffers the worse economic conditions in 80 years and wages two wars. There's more trouble in the Middle East. The housing market has crashed, Wall Street is in shambles and the poor and middle class are burdened to keep the rich getting richer. Unemployment is on the way to double digits. Health care costs continue to rise and energy and global warming are major issues which must be addressed. President Obama must wave a magic wand in his first 100 days to address and resolve all these issues or the press will crucify him (as they've already began to do even before he took office). And don't forget, he's saddled with the Conservatives, Rush Limbaugh and the Party of "No" while Bush and Company try to rewrite history and play spin doctor with the shame of their deeds.
I'll have my say in "Sweet Nothings". Welcome to my thoughts and views. Enjoy!
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