After London, President Obama travels 612 miles, visiting five countries in eight days and meeting with the leaders of 28 independent member countries of NATO. On his first stop in France, French President Nicholas Sarkozy agreed to take one Guantanamo prisoner in a show of solidarity with the U. S. The President planned future visits: to walk the beach in Normandy on June 6 D-Day anniversary with Sarkozy, a Moscow visit in July, and a visit to China later in the year. Future talks with Russia on nuclear arms reduction were discussed. Obama avoided proposals for a "super regulator", leaving authority with individual nations' financial systems. He brokered an agreement among NATO member countries to send 5,000 more military trainers and police to Afghanistan and to assist in securing its coming election. Quite a bit accomplished for a guy who has been in office about twon months.

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
First Lady Michelle Obama has taken an active role since moving into the White House. She visited several government departments and agencies, planned State dinners and announced a White House kitchen garden. She received very positive reviews in the most recent Post-ABC News Poll, with three-quarters of Americans holding a positive view of the First Lady. The foreign press and the European people have embraced her like no other First Lady since Jackie Kennedy. Her style, self confidence, warmth and charm, in addition to her intelligence and sincerity allowed her to represent our country with a positive image. There was as much press about what Michelle Obama was wearing and where she was going as there was about her husband's activities at the Summit.
President Barack Obama made a surprise visit to Baghdad Tuesday, April 7th, meeting with Iraqi leaders and visiting American troops at the end of his first trip overseas as president. Obama touched down just hours after a car bomb blew up in a Shitte area of the city. The president’s motorcade took him to Camp Victory, the American military headquarters, passing by hundreds of troops standing at attention and saluting. He spoke for six minutes, saying he wanted to leave time to shake hands and meet the throops. The president left Baghdad on Air Force One just after 9 p.m. local time, spending about 4 and 1/2 hours on the ground there.
What a whirlwind trip! It left me breathless just following the accounts of the President's meetings and activities. I was overjoyed at the warm reception at every stop, by the respect accorded our leader by his peers and their countrymen alike, and by his candid, sincere responses to their questions. I felt well represented and thanked God that Barack Obama is sitting in the seat while the loyal opposition offers little of value to solve the many serious issues that face this country. It's hard to believe how much he's accomplished in the short time he's been in office. High five, Mr. President!
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