Here’s another story you won’t see in the mainstream media:
Nope, this is one you sure didn't hear on the news. The ship that rescued the Maersk-Alabama's captain was skippered by a BLACK FEMALE REAR ADMIRAL! If you're like me, you briefly saw her in some news clips, and (like me) probably figured she was some medical tech. In an ideal world, this SHOULDN'T BE "news," anymore than that it should be "news" that we have female B-52 pilots or black admirals, or a black President.
Well, it isn’t an ideal world, so here’s the more about Rear Admiral Michelle Howard.
Rear Admiral Michelle Howard is a 1978 graduate of Gateway High School in Aurora, Colo. She graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1982 and from the Army’s Command and General Staff College in 1998, with a master's degree in Military Arts and Sciences. She was the senior military assistant to the Secretary of the Navy from January 2007 to January 2009 and became the first African-American woman to command a U.S. Navy ship.

Commander Howard assumed command of Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 2 during a ceremony held on board USS Boxer at sea on April 5, 2009. In addition to assuming her duties as the ESG 2 commander, Howard assumes command of several U.S. 5th Fleet task forces, including Combined Task Force (CTF) 51 and 59, as well as CTF 151, an international maritime coalition created to disrupt, deter and thwart piracy. CTF 151 is a multinational task force established to conduct counter-piracy operations under a mission-based mandate throughout the CMF area of responsibility to actively deter, disrupt and suppress piracy in order to protect global maritime security and secure freedom of navigation for the benefit of all nations.
The fact that the rescue of the Maersk-Alabama’s captain was skippered by a Black female Rear Admiral is just a foot note to Michelle Howard’s overall achievements, but is still significant and well worthy of note. Spread the word!
The Tension (http://www.the tension@blogspot.com)
U. S. Navy Biography
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