The ugly face of Christianity is on display for all to see.
Steven L. Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona hates President Barack Obama. Not enough to take up arms against him, but enough that he prays for his demise daily. Pastor Anderson delivered a fiery sermon in which he said he prays for President Obama to “die and go to hell”. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Someone needs to inform this “pastor” that this kind of prayer will never enter the throne room of God. Heck it won't even make it to the outer court.
Psalm 19:14 should give the good pastor pause to reflect on his words:
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."
I've heard my Pastor say that when there is hate in the heart, it will eventually come out in our words. This man is a prime example of a heart filled with hate and self righteousness. This type of so-called “Christian” has always been around, but just more hidden. It sure seems they are coming out more boldly and openly every day. What is equally disturbing is the fact that few Christians speak out against them. Could it be that many “Christians” silently agree with them? Their silence on the matter speaks volumes.
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