After months of wrangling, the Democratic-controlled Senate passed President Barack Obama's health care plan by a 60-39 vote this morning. The votes were casts strictly along party lines.
It was a year long process to get to this fork in the road with lots of negotiation, compromise, and agony. It was a learning experience for me since this is the first time I followed a bill so closely and the first time I rose and fell with each media item and with every news report. What a roller coaster ride. It makes me wonder how we ever get anything done.
There are somethings I'll remember like the party of no, the hold outs, the issues of abortion and immigration, but most of all I'll remember the 30 million American who will now be insured under this legislation. It may not be everything I wished for, but it's certainly more than we had. We've taken more than sixty year to get this far, so thank God for some progress.
I wonder how the large amounts of money spent to derail healthcare could have been better spent to help the sick and needy. I question the public figures who were more interested in their personal fifteen minutes of fame than the fate of numerous Americans. I guess if I understood the game better, I'd know this is business as usual. I'll just chalk it up as another lesson learned.
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