The latest rage in the media circus is President
Obama’s endorsement of marriage equality.
The religious elements in this country are being used to ferment a backlash
from the Black Community against the President. Of course, many say that Blacks
will vote for President Obama no matter what he does or says. The implication
is that we are too stupid to vote on issues, but rather, simply vote on race.
As a registered voter, I have three choices: vote
to re-elect the president, vote for the Republican candidate, or do not vote at all. Let's get right to my reasons for how to cast my vote. After
centuries of struggle for the right to vote and while Republicans are actively
employing organized efforts to disenfranchise minorities, elderly person and
young voters, not voting isn’t an option for me.
Discouraged about the direction the GOP wants to
take the country in, I’m angry, disenchanted and disappointed in the policies
and proposals Republicans offer. With
the Tea Party Republicans as a majority in a “do nothing” House of
Representatives, a weakened Democratic
hold on the Senate and newly seated Republican Governors and Legislators passing anti-union right to work laws,
voter registration changes, and anti-reproductive choice legislation that I
disagree with, I want to know why anyone
would ever think that I could vote Republican.
Republicans stand against everything I believe in:
Medicare, Social Security, Obamacare, tax reform, The Buffet rule, pro-choice legislative
compliance with Roe v. Wade, equal pay for women, legislative support against
domestic violence, financial reform, abolishing tax breaks for oil companies, and
a dozen other issues. I believe the Ryan Budget is shameful in its attack on
the poor and needy as well as on the middle class while favoring the wealthy and limitless defense spending.
The GOP proposals for immigration reform, such as the AZ “papers please” law,
and the lack of support for the “Dream Act” shows me their hostility toward Latinos,
as well as African Americans.
I’m still trying to understand why people vote
against their own self interest. Moreover, I want to understand the “hate” that
some visit on our sitting president. But beyond all this, Republican offer me
nothing and I have no reason to support their agenda with my vote. I choose to
stand with Barack Obama and the Democrats since they best reflect my values and
wishes for the direction of the country. The President’s race has nothing to do
with why I won’t vote Republican. GOP policies, programs and proposals make me
stand against them.