Nothing I’ve seen over the past nineteen months makes me think that Boehner would act responsibly. It’s obvious that getting something done is not his interest or his priority. His biggest efforts seem to be aimed at making every effort to see to it that the President fails. If he becomes Speaker, he has already said, his top priority would be to "repeal Obamacare."
In a recent Daily Beast blog, Mark McKinnon, Republican strategist reminds us of the importance of the Speaker of the House:
More than just being second in line behind the vice president to succeed the president, the speaker of the House wields the power to decide what legislation is debated and by whom, and when and how voting will occur. More importantly, the speaker ultimately holds the purse strings of Congress as all legislative funding approval goes through the House. Though bills may pass both chambers, the House can strangle an initiative by withholding funds.
“Snip” commented to McKinnon’s blog which was devoted to the topic "How the Democrats betrayed us".
...the modern presidency-Barack Obama's presidency-has become a job of such gargantuan size, speed, and complexity as to be all but unrecognizable to most of the previous chief executives. The sheer growth of the federal government, the paralysis of Congress, the systemic corruption brought on by lobbying, the trivialization of the "news" by the media, the willful disregard for facts and truth-these forces have made today's Washington a depressing and dysfunctional place. They have shaped and at times hobbled the presidency itself.
All this does not make me feel real warm and fuzzy about John Boehner becoming the next Speaker of the House and being number three in the line of succession to the presidency.
Judged by the Constitutionality of their votes and their support of the FairTax, only these Representatives are qualified to be Speaker of The House:
1 Ron Paul TX-14 100
2 Jeff Flake AZ-6 88
3 Paul Broun GA-10 86
4 Tom Graves GA-9 78
5 Tom McClintock CA-4 67
6 Connie Mack FL-14 67
8 Jim Jordan OH-4 67
9 Mike Conaway TX-11 67
10 Jeb Hensarling TX-5 67
11 Jason Chaffetz UT-3 67
12 Trent Franks AZ-2 56
13 John Campbell CA-48 56
14 Doug Lamborn CO-5 56
15 Jeff Miller FL-1 56
16 Jack Kingston GA-1 56
17 Lynn Westmoreland GA-3 56
18 Tom Price GA-6 56
20 Scott Garrett NJ-5 56
21 Cynthia Lummis WY-0 56