As Naples millionaire Rick Scott accepted Florida’s Republican nomination for governor late Tuesday night, GOP insiders felt tension and discord. Behind the scenes, GOP activists were pressing for Scott to put controversy over his business history to rest.
Opponent Bill McCollum, for instance, had yet to call or endorse Scott, referring to him in a post-midnight concession statement as "a multimillionaire with a questionable past" and deploring the "negative tone" of the race. Now, Scott will have to ease lingering concerns about his past and pivot from his record-breaking self funded $50 million primary campaign to a credible general-election strategy.
The Daily Kos clearly echoed my sentiments.
This is one primary I just don't get. How in the world does a party nominate someone who was CEO of a company that was forced to pay a $1.7 billion fine due to Medicare fraud committed under his watch? How could you possibly trust to run your state government with the knowledge that he's already presided over a massive fraud scheme? On what page of the teabagger's manual does it say "Reward Corruption"?
The beauty of a democracy is that the voters get what they ask for. Wonder if Florida voters will ask for the likes of Rick Scott.
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