Applications to trademark the names Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin, both for "motivational speaking services," were filed on November 5 by the Palins' longtime family attorney, Thomas Van Flein, but were quickly slapped down by a trademark examiner.
"Registration is refused because the applied-for mark, SARAH PALIN, consists of a name identifying a particular living individual whose consent to register the mark is not of record," the patent agency said in an office action.
The applications will be fixed, and the trademarks are likely to be granted, said attorney John Tiemessen, now handling the trademark process for Palin.
"We're working on it," Tiemessen told Reuters.
Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president in 2008, has become one of the most recognizable names in U.S. politics and a darling of the conservative Tea Party movement that helped sweep Republicans to a majority in the House of Representatives during the 2010 elections.
Her daughter, Bristol, became a fan sensation as a contestant on the popular ABC show "Dancing with the Stars." An unwed, single mom as a teenager, Bristol has also increasingly made a name for herself giving talks about teen pregnancy and abstinence from sex.
Both women also have staked out careers on the lecture circuit, as their trademark applications attest.
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