Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shirley Sherrod Sues Andrew Breibart

Shirley Sherrod, a Georgia USDA employee, whos...Image via Wikipedia

Seven months ago, Shirley Sherrod made headlines when it was alledged that she committed improper acts against a farmer, many years ago.  Andrew Breibert released a trumped up video on  his website biggovernment. com which caused the flurry and resulted in Sherrod losing her job as USDA's director of rural development in Georgia.

Breitbart was served on Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), according to the New York Times: "In the suit, which was filed in Washington on Friday, Ms. Sherrod says the video has damaged her reputation and prevented her from continuing her work."

It's been seven months.  Breitbart didn't apologize nor did he in any way acknowledge the harm his irresponsible actions did to Mrs. Sherrod, professionally and personally. Now the two will meet and Shirely Sherrod will have her day in court.

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