On December 13, 2010, the First Couple appeared side by side at Washington, D.C.'s Harriet Tubman Elementary School, where the President signed into law the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. The historic piece of legislation, continually championed by Mrs. Obama, authorizes funding to create some of the biggest changes in school nutrition in decades. Among other provisions, the law:
• Gives USDA the authority to set nutrition standards for all foods regularly sold in schools, including the lunch line and vending machines.
• Increases the number of low-income children enrolled in school meal programs by approximately 115,000 students
• Helps communities establish local farm to school networks, create school gardens, and ensures the use or more local foods.
• Expands USDA authority to support meals served to at-risk children in afterschool programs.
• Requires schools to make information readily available to parents about the nutritional quality of meals.
• Provides training and technical assistance for school food service providers.
Oh, and contrary to what you may have heard, the law does not outlaw school bake sales! The bill puts $4.5 billion in new funding for these programs over 10 years.
"The most important job of any President is to ensure the well-being of our nation's children," said Mrs. Obama at today's bill signing. "Because we know that the success of our nation tomorrow depends on the choices we make for our kids today."
Source: Essence Blog-Cynthia Gordy-December 13, 2010
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